Dekanta Review: Japanese Whisky Shop

Dekanta is One of the Best Places to Buy Japanese Whisky Online
Dekanta has made waves in the past several years as perhaps the leading destination for where to buy Japanese whisky online, including from the comfort of your home in the United States. So are they worth the hype, and should you consider making a purchase?
The first thing to note is the website’s selection. They have all of the hard to find, rare Japanese whisky you wish you could find at your local liquor shop. This includes from all the biggest and most in-demand brands.
So you’ll be able to find:
- Hibiki 12 year, Hibiki 17 year, Hibiki 21 year and Hibiki 30 year
- Yamazaki 12 year, Yamazaki 18 year, Yamazaki 25 year
- Hakushu 12 year, Hakushu 18 year, Hakushu 25 year
- Nikka Miyagikyo 12 year, Nikka Miyagikyo 15 year
- Nikka Yoichi 12 year, Nikka Yoichi 15 year
- Nikka Taketsuru 12 year, Nikka Taketsuru 17 year
Do ya get the point? We could go on. If you’re looking to give Japanese whisky as a gift to someone, or a gift to yourself, this is the shop you need.
For all of the above, they also have special editions, even older and more exclusive one-time offerings and vintages, and even mini bottles, if you like to collect or gift them.
There’s plenty of Chicibu as well, including the Ichiros Malt series, and some truly mind-blowing offerings from Karuizawa. So if you’re looking for any of the best Japanese whisky for sale, you’ll find it in the store.

One of the best ways to browse the shop is with its Top Shelf selections. Here they separate some of their favorite picks across price categories, including under $1,000, $1,000-$2,500, $2,500-$5,000, $5,000-$10,000, and $10,000+. And oh yes, there’s plenty in that latter and most expensive category. The last time we checked, the most expensive Japanese whisky for sale on the site was Karuizawa Vintage 1965 Cask #8852, a bottle of which goes for a cool $59,000.
That leads to our next point, which is that the one downside of Dekanta is that the pricing is more along the level of what you’ll find in the secondary resale market, as opposed to retail. You’re looking for premium, rare bottles you can’t find anywhere else, and so you pay a bit more for the privilege. The alternative, of course, is trying to buy Japanese whisky from the resale market where it’s illegal and potentially untrustworthy. And you still might spend just as much if not more. So, unfortunately, the price tags just come with the territory.
If you’re interested in safely buying Japanese whisky online, including the rarest and most popular bottles, we recommend Dekanta.