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Gold Etched World Map Whiskey Decanter Set
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Gold Etched World Map Whiskey Decanter Set

Description If there's one downside to a globe whiskey decanter, is that it's just a little bit hard to work with. It's a sphere so you can't just quickly put it down anywhere on a shelf and disregard it. You have to make sure you place it in its stand and keep it there. Not a huge deal, but a point to consider. ...

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Metallic Bullet Shaped Whiskey Stones
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Metallic Bullet Shaped Whiskey Stones

Description The whiskey stones domain is pretty well trodden at this point. But they can still be one of the best whiskey gift ideas out there, when you kick things up a notch. Like, instead of generic cube shapes, turn those suckers into bullets. Instead of stone, make them metallic. Give them a cartridge-like ...

$25.99 $29.99 Buy It Now
Crystal Emperor Whiskey Decanter & Glasses Set
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Crystal Emperor Whiskey Decanter & Glasses Set

Description In the world of whiskey decanters, and let us tell you, we are DEEP into it over here, there are kind of two main camps. Camp one is the classic decanter. Most of these look pretty similar, but they're classic for a reason. Then you have the novelty ones. Now, these aren't novelty in the sense of being ...

Editor choice
Best Ship in a Bottle Whiskey Decanter
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Best Ship in a Bottle Whiskey Decanter

Description Ships in a bottle are badass. Always have been, always will be. Those are the rules. Usually though, you spend your days painstakingly constructing them, one tweezered piece at a time. While we appreciate the skill, that's not quite our speed. We prefer this option, then. A glass ship in a bottle ...

Horse Derby Whiskey Decanter
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Horse Derby Whiskey Decanter

Description The Kentucky Derby is one of the great whiskey holidays and events of the year. And this is the perfect decanter to go with. The horse Derby decanter, perfect for showing off your favorite whiskey. This horse-shaped whiskey decanter holds 1,000ml. So that's more than a bottle's worth of your favorite ...

Whiskey Skull Decanter With Matching Glassware Set
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Whiskey Skull Decanter With Matching Glassware Set

Description Skulls, man. Some people can't get enough of them. Like, if you're a skull person, then you get skulls on everything. You get skull tattoos. You wear t-shirts with skulls on them. And most definitely, when it's time to accessorize your drinking, you get a whiskey skull decanter to show off your ...

Whiskey Infusion Spiral 4 Pack
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Whiskey Infusion Spiral 4 Pack

Description Ever wanted to create your very own whiskey? Of course you do. We all do. And now we can, with the help of our little friends, the whiskey infusion sticks. This is a 4 pack of whiskey infusion sticks from Barrel Aged in a Bottle, also known as the Oak Infusion Spiral. Each one of the spirals is good ...

Whiskey Infusion Vessel
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Whiskey Infusion Vessel

Description OK fellow nerds and DIY pros, you really to take things up a notch? You damn well better be, because there's no other option once you have this whiskey infusion vessel at your disposal. This is a pretty cool. It's called the Alkemista and it's from Ethan+Ashe, and there are several colors available. ...

DIY Whiskey Infusion Kit
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DIY Whiskey Infusion Kit

Description You know what we love? Getting hands-on with a nice DIY project. We've been known to drink some whiskey while tackling them, too. But wait a minute, what's this? We can have an at home DIY whiskey project, and combine those two things together? You're damn straight you can. This is a full DIY whiskey ...

Whiskey Cocktail Kit
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Whiskey Cocktail Kit

Description More and more people are making high quality cocktails at home, and it's easier than it ever used to be too. That's certainly the case with this all-in-one home whiskey cocktail kit that will take you from novice to full-on mixology nerd with the snap of your fingers. There's a lot to unpack here with ...

$29.98 $64.98 Buy It Now
Whiskey Tasting Journal
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Whiskey Tasting Journal

Description There are whiskeys that we don't even remember drinking. Maybe there was nothing special about them, or maybe, just maybe, we had a bit too many of them and the hold thing got kinda blurry. But then there are whiskeys you do remember, and whiskeys you want to remember. That's when a whiskey tasting ...

Atlas Holding the World Whiskey Decanter
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Atlas Holding the World Whiskey Decanter

Description This is one of the cooler new designs we've seen, Atlas with the world on his shoulders. Except the world is a glass globe shaped whiskey decanter, and he's lofting it above his head. The base of the decanter is a bronze Atlas statue. And the gift set itself comes with two matching glasses. The actual ...

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